Oh, hello again Vim

aka How to Install vim-plug in Neovim Me and Vim have a love/hate relationship. I love using it... until I remember I remember zero keybindings annnnd then I have to search multiple articles every time I want to do anything in it. Especially leave it. But here I am again, trying to do development in Vim.. again... for reasons. Mostly…


Custom formatting with git log

I've chatted about Git before, but today I wanted to dive on some learning that I did recently on git log specifically. I wanted to streamline how I populate my pull request descriptions. Typically with my git commits, I like to keep to a atomic commit philosophy. My commits tell the why of my code change. The what of my…


Let’s explore: what is a shell and terminal?

I still feel new to the world of terminals, consoles, and yes, shells. Being a Java engineer for 12 years really didn't expose me much to these concepts in my day-to-day work, but now as a Ruby on Rails engineer, it is my preferred way of interacting with my tests, servers, get and any other command/app or API I might…


What’s up with mimemagic breaking everything?

If you are a Rails 6.1+ user, you probably have noticed something is up in the past couple days. Good morning everyone! If you have a Rails app 6.1+, you probably noticed all of your bundle installs are failing! A gem, mimemagic, had a licensing issue and needed to yank all of its old (illegal) versions and relicense. Your options:—…